Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dr. Ramlall and colleagues conduct study on why associates of color choose to leave law firms within the first five years of being employed. Results will be available by the end of December, 2012.

Dr. Sunil Ramlall
President, Strategic HRM Consulting, LLC

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sunil Ramlall on Strategic HRM at Mayo Clinic

For many decades, Mayo Clinic has been ranked as one of the top medical institutions in the world. The entire health care industry has been experiencing immense challenges. Given the current and historic success of Mayo, what does Mayo need to do from an HR perspective to maintain this standard of excellence? This case identifies the strategies used by Mayo to achieve excellence in employee and patient satisfaction. The case describes how this complex service organization fosters a culture that exceeds customer expectations and earns deep loyalty from both customers and employees. The role of HR is analyzed to explain how strategic HRM enables the organization to achieve its strategic business objectives.

Dr. Ramlall is the co-author of another scholarly journal article.

Dr. Sunil Ramlall, Dr. Hani Alamri, and Dr. Nadia Abdulghaffar are co-authors of the article HRM in Saudi Arabia, published in the International Business and Economics Research Journal.

Please contact Dr. Ramlall at for more information.  He can be reached at sramlall001@gmail.com.